Vocês sabiam que Christopher Hitchens, aquele colunista inglês que não acredita em Deus porque este não atendeu seu pedido de ter uma ereção imediata, tem um irmão que é cristão, realmente da direita e que acha brother Chris um tanto aparvalhado? Trata-se de Peter Hitchens. Leiam o trecho abaixo:
“Last week, amid much abuse of me on the rape article (mainly of an uninteresting and repetitive kind), a contributor to ‘Christopher Hitchens Watch’ proclaimed “Let’s face it, both brothers like to drink to unconsciousness.” Now, wait a minute here. This is certainly not true of my brother, though he can drink a great deal and makes no secret of it. But it’s even less true of me. This isn’t a claim of moral superiority. I have no choice in the matter. I have never been able to drink alcohol in any quantity without becoming horribly, memorably (and soberly) unwell, something I discovered in my teens, when my capacity was slightly less small than it is now. I wouldn’t physically be able to drink myself unconscious as I’d be too ill to lose consciousness. I don’t want to be pious about this. It’s just so. I can cope with about half a bottle of wine as long as I eat a meal with it, and that’s it, though I find that even that’s stretching things a bit these days. I get far more pleasure from arguing than I do from drink”.
É possível não acreditar em Deus e ser realmente da direita?
A palavra correta é “aparvalhado” e não aparavalhado…